Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sock Madness Ends, Injuries incurred, WoolGirl and other stuff maybe

First thing at the very, very bottom will be the Wool Girl '08 April offering, if you don't want to know, I will give a heads up and screen scroll before the post, k?

Well Sock Madness has ended for me. Knocked out in Round 3 with a foot to go(literally had the foot of sock #2 left). Kind of sad and relieved at the same time. I was really starting to feel burned out by the constant knitting and guilty about not focusing attention on the family and job. Andy was great though supported me up to the end. With the end in sight for Pair 3, it took me 6.5days for the Zombies, roughly 6 days for the Reversai and would have taken about 4 days for the Slippin's if i hadn't stopped when the final contestent made it and I took a break! Not to bad 3 pairs in 3 weeks. So the Slippins will end up as 7 days only because I took a much needed break after Sunday Morning.

Here is a pic of the sock in question

Called Slippin' Strippin' Socks. Worked in doubled lace weight. I chose Malabrigo(ummm soft numminess, I understand now) in Pagoda and Pearl Ten. Almost done with the second working on the toe now.

I was actually all set for the Creative portion of the contest as well, idea popped in as soon as I saw the name of the pattern. I took the pics anyway.

Title: Slippin' Injuries -

Took advantage of the lovely spring days and caught up on the yard work(well Andy did the most, me and Joey kind of helped ;0)

and part of the advantage of sunlight, I updated some more of my Rav Stash, adding pictures mostly now that there is sunlight when I wanted to get the pics. Joey helped some:

Now for the new stuff. WoolGirl pr0n. I stalked the postman today, heard him pull up, but he paused, didn't haul off to the next box like he usually does, so I opened the front door and there he was at the end of the drive holding a priority mail box. I controlled myself, walked with much self control to gracefully receive my package. He had a knowing look on his face and said "Waiting for this were you?" and I said " Yes thank you" and was very good and didnt snatch and slowly walked back to the house and immediately ripped it open to find this:
Keep Scrolling
are we there yet??
and the winner is!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoolGIrl Happiness!! A great clear vinyl zipper bag just right to hold a projed, n stitch marker, Note cards a new PEN!!! and lovely squishy purpleness with a pattern. Joey thought it was soft and squishy to!!!

And because I almost forgot, a Extra Special Thanks to Sara of SaraKnits over on Rav for graciously selling me some Wollmeise to complete the shawl I am seriously knitting away on for MSW in May.

Oh Did forget that too.... Just about 2 weeks will be heading out to Maryland for the Sheep and Wool festival with my Mom and Sis for the weekend. Hoping to figure out the spinning thing and play with woolly stuff!!! Talk to soon!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Round 2 Sock Madness Fini!!!!!

Round 2 of Sock madness is finished!!!! took 6 days just about. Great pattern Reversai (link for Rav) by Janine Le Cras. I used BMFA STR light weight in Azurite. Some stash busting going on with this Madness, didnt buy yarn for either round used from my stash yeah!!!

Saving up for MSW. I want to try/learn spinning and saving up to get some basics, no wheel yet, keeping it to drop spindle to see if I like it, then maybe for Christmas(hint, hint) look into getting a small one.

Mom and Steph will be out for that weekend as well, can't wait to see them.... they will be out for a week..

Oh, previous picture post, was checking out the blog this from flickr and posted up the pic of joey and Bull. Still need to post up pics from the 3rd Birthday party. here is one to tide over until
Mr Mopey face, cause he couldnt touch the cake yet...
Opening presents....