Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Knit 1 Tea 2 Swap Queastionaire
1. Do you like loose tea or bags, or both – something you want to try? Never really tried anything beyond bags but would like to.
2. What is your favorite kind of tea (Brand, flavor, variety, etc)? uhh, lipton, orange pekoe
3. Favorite color in regards to tea or one you would like to try? (black, green, red, and white) (keeping in mind that this is how this swap is set up). Ummm any, kind a new to the whole tea thing, so any of them.
4. Would you say you were a tea pot kind of person or just a hot water heater kind? Hot water cause that is all I’ve ever had.
5. What tea accessories would you like but have never purchases for yourself? Accessories?????
6. How do you prefer to be pampered? (examples: mani/pedi, bubble bath, yummy treat, etc). Massage, glass of wine while in a bubble bath listening to Norah Jones or something soothing.
7. If you were a kind of yarn what would you be and why? A nice 80/20 stock wool and silk blend fingering wieght. Why? Because I am kind of a natural person easy going , sturdy but with a sheen to me.
8. If you had to knit/crochet baby booties, a fun fur scarf, or a fair isle sweater, which would you choose and why? Umm, none of them. Blankets over booties they are more useful, fun fur maybe for chemo caps or something but not scarves ever again, and I am not a fair Isle type of person by a long shot.
9. What other event would make you skip a tea party? (A garden party? A book club meeting? A yoga class? Opening night for a new action thriller? etc?) Once I have accepted and invitation, illness/death in the family.
10. What treat would you consider essential at your tea party? (Sweet? Salty? Scones? Those petite pastry trays with a couple of all sorts of things? Little crust less sandwiches?) morning tea-scones and jams, light cookies. Afternoon-those little sandwiches and petit fors for dessert.
11. When buying yarn for a project how do you choose - do you buy the one called for or do you substitute? Depends on if it is in budget and if I like it how it feels.
12. What do you carry your knitting/crocheting in when on the go? Individual projects go in ziplock bags then into a small canvas backpack thingie, the into a denim tote that holds the essentials kit and reading material and pattern.
13. Favorite movie to watch while knitting/crocheting? Hackers
14. Are you a traditional tea cup kind of person or a mug type of person? Do you care if they match? More of a mug I guess ‘cause that is all I have and not really.
15. Favorite childhood birthday party? WonderWoman birthday cake made by an older cousin and family.
16. Favorite type of scone and jam? Scone not really sure, jam would be strawberry
17. If you use candles, what is your favorite scent? Berries
18. If you could choose 3 people to have 'tea' with, who would they be and why? (famous or not, living or dead). My mother, my best friend Dipali and my internet friend Luci
19. You've been invited to a tea party, what 'props' will you wear (formal or casual)? Skirt(‘tea length’), layered shirt and blouse (formal and casual)
20. Any allergies/preferences you have or are willing to admit to? nope
21. Anything we missed that you want your pal to know? I have never really tried tea’s beyond the basic tea bag. Have gone as far as earl grey, chamomile and Lipton honey/lemon. But it has always looked interesting. I am willing to try new avenues and learn more about the tea world.
Monday, July 30, 2007
You signed up on June 13, 2007
You are #8834 on the list.
1601 people are ahead of you in line.
12569 people are behind you in line.
33% of the list has been invited so far
getting closer......
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Rainy Sunday
Contest on Megan's page name the colorway, I am going for Sugar Pixies, though my first thought was Pixies on Acid, yes I am seroius.
from Knitting up a Storm
"NAME THAT COLORWAY" RULES:1. First, come up with the perfect colorway name. Jokesters might gain extra merit, as long as it's to good humor. Post on THIS post's comment page ONLY!! Thanks. :)2. Post these rules on your blog & your colorway idea. That way, no one will use something like it, by mere freak accident. Who ever finds out about this contest on your blog must refer you on this comment page below, before participating in the contest. (This is kind of like Lotus' Knits contest idea. But we will use a poll too...)-->If you see your name (or blog address) on my comment page below, you can add another colorway name idea! The more referals for you, the better! Good luck to you all! 3. The top 3 best names will be put on a poll, so you all can vote!4. Contest ends: Sunday, July 29th @ midnight!So, the sooner you comment, the better chance you have of getting another go. lol.Feel free to copy & paste the rules. No use in typing it all over again.
Answer to comment question about toddler socks I am using Knitting Pure and Simple Basic lightweight infant/toddler Sock from Simply Sock Yarn. Once I have finished the second of the ankle pair in Tofutsies I will post those shots.
Almost all set for the hogwarts SockSwap, have the yarn, the markers, the needles, now I have to decide on a pattern. Have it narrowed down to 3.
Picked up a kitchen scale. A nice Salter from Bed Bath and Beyond. I will definetly have enough to finish my Sock it to Me socks with about 10gms to spare, YEAH!!
I am on a yarn diet. It's official. No yarn until Stitches in October. Small caveat, unless I absolutely do not have anything that will work for a specific project, involving a swap or a gift for someone else. No new KALs if I don't have it in stock. Put the savings into PayPal and I should have a nice chunk for Market.
Friday, July 27, 2007

And now on to other things. Thank you, thank you, thank you Valerie, thank you again for the great SSS box. I love it. Not only was there a great selection of wools in some of my favorite colors with some new Peruvian, I received 2 TWO!!! skeins of Sari Silk yarn. It was all I could do not to cast on something as soon as I saw it. Eyed up the needles, but restrained myself, will be good think about it and cast on the right project. And there were a TON of Knitting 'zines. 2 count 'em TWO patterns to go with enough ribbon yarn to complete a project(Now comes the hard part of decision because they are both beautiful patterns). The Harry pens are mine, I hid the midges from the DH. I love the tins they came in going up next to the WonderWoman tin when Im done(yeah went up last night) and I needed more stickies too. Can never have enough stickie notes.

Saturday, July 21, 2007
small edit
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Sock and Yarn updates

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Harry Potter Yarns - Woolgirl
On that note, they are all wonderfull, soft a little squishy and gorgeous colors. I am now ready for the Hogwarts Sock Swap 2(see buttons and signup). and the kids will have there HP socks soon.
In other news I have cast on and have 4" on the first sock for my Sock It to Me pal. the pattern is not as bad as I thought, fairly easy in fact Schaeffer - Anne Mock Cable Twist. Only had to frog once for a mistake but it was only 3 rows and it came back real quick. I hope she likes them.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Hogwarts Sock Swap 2 - First Year
What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into? Hufflepuff. Took all 4 sorting tests and was Hufflepuff hands down
Shoe size? 8.5US
Foot Length? 9 3/4"
Foot Circumference?
List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.
a. Lantern Moon Sox stix any wood size 2
b. Brittany Birch size 1-2 length 5"
c. Crystal Palace Bamboo size 2 6"
Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length? willing to try any, for socks prefer 5"-6" though edit: Knit Picks DPN's thinking about trying.
If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference? Hufflepuff, but if I was would prefer the book, blue and bronze
Allergies? Do you have any? Will your knitting be exposed to smoke or animals? No fiber allergies. Non smoking, but do have cats and dogs that I try to keep away from the yarn. Yarn is kept in their plastic bags and/or in bins when not in use.
Are you an international participant (outside US)? Are you willing to have an international Hogwarts Sock Pal? Us, would be willing to go international
The Hogwarts Sock Swap Button is to the right. Applications are being accepted as of July 14, 2007, all are welcome to sign up. Look forward to meeting new people and Book 7 comes out in 6 days Yippee, Currently re-reading the series with my kids.
edit 7/17/07 - Sign ups have been extended to 150, If you are interested please sign up.
FO and Joey

Friday, July 13, 2007
Stash Away!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Helping Mom
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Sock It to Me contest #1 or When I started Knitting

Then it was Harry Potter season again that fall and I thought wouldnt the kids love a house scarf for Christmas. (side note they live in So Cal) So I went out and purchased skeins of Red heart in the colors for Gryffindor and Slytherin and found a pattern on the 'net and round and round I went for several weeks. The kids loved them. Have a pic of the Gryffindor, Slytherin is AWOL -

Saturday, July 7, 2007
Well almost set for my three swaps, doesn't that sound like a tv show. Stash is half packed, dont have a lot really so finding all sorts of other things in the house that need a new home that I wont be needing or using, nothing to weird honost....
Sock It to Me, still waiting for Swappe's questionaire to be posted, but have the yarn picked out Cherry Hill in Birch, Have the pattern sort of picked out, leave room for last minute mind changes, yarn is firm though.
Dishcloth is mostly packed as well, just have to finish knitting and pick up a couple of little things. Pics of the yarn for the 2 swaps. My first use of a ball winder, boy that was fun. Followed the advice from KR and wound them twice, definately fluffier the second go around.

And on the home front sided part of the house as of tonight up to 2/3 done and all but 1 window replaced. Please ignore the mess...
and for those that read to the bottom, yarn p0rn. Shipment from Etsy ashabee in colors carmel apple(4) and Cami(2). They are gorgeous and butter soft, now have to figure out what to make.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Sock It To Me Swap Questionaire
What are your foot measurements? (Please give shoe size, length and circumference.) Shoe size 8.5(US), length 9 3/4", circumfrence
How long have you been knitting? How would you rate your experience? (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.) Learned to knit 6 years ago, seriously knitting the past 6 months. Experience: Beginning Intermidiate
What is your favorite color? Your least favorite color? favorite color is red, least favorite any candy/neon colors
Do you have a favorite fiber? What type? hmmmm, anything soft
Do you have any allergies to certain fibers? nope
Do you have an Amazon, or other type of, wishlist? (If so, provide the link.)
Jen's Amazon
What techniques, if any, would you like to learn? toe up and cables
Do you have a sweet tooth? What are your favorite snacks? yeap, chocolate. Peanut M&M's, oreos, original chex mix
What is your family situation? (Children, Husband, Pets...etc.) hubby, 3 kids teenage to toddler, 6 cats, 2 dogs, 1 rat and 1 goldfish
Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Metal, plastic or wood? circular, bamboo
Besides socks, what are your favorite items to knit? dont know yet, still working on my first sweater and first lace type scarf
Is there a pattern, (sock or otherwise), that you are dying to try? there are so many out there I hadnt really decided. The flame wave from IK, one of the ones from Sock Pixie maybe and a shawl havent decided yet maybe cozy or Candleflame
Do you like to read? What are you reading currently? Love to read, for fun Safe Harbor by C Feehan, for learning Human resource management, for Knitting- Dominknitrix and Mason Dixon Knitting and the new HP as soon as it is delivered
Do you collect music? (On an iPod or MP3 player.) both
What kind of music do you listen to? Country and Western, Hard rock, Oldies, Jazz.
Is there anything you collect? uhhhh, lets' see, yarn, shotglasses, hotel room swipes(when I stay someplace neat), chopsticks
What are your hobbies, aside from knitting? PC gaming, scrapbooking, crocheting, trying jewelry making/beading.
Are you participating in any other swaps or knit alongs? Dog Days of Summer Dishcloth Exchange and Summer Stash Swap
Do you have a favorite scent? Green tea and Raspberry
When is your birthday? (You don't have to add the year if you don't want to, LOL.) Nov 7
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
anxious, fidgity
ANybody else ever feel like this. The swaps should be so much fun, but the waiting is killing me....
Oh and I talked to my Mom last night, she will be starting her Summer travel adventure to Arkansas via Salt Lake City and Oklahoma and I have nicely requested with a re-imbursement option, that if she sees any Knit/yarn stores that look unique and interesting or have a distinct local flavor to get me something(min 400yds). Her and Glenn(DH) travel the back roads everywhere possible, so should be interesting. Even left it open to what to pick up as far as yarn(natural fibers only though) and after I explained roving to her, and that that would be ok too. Don't know how to spin yet, but its on my list of things to learn.
She will enjoy the shopping and can't wait to see what arrives. Love my Mom and she shops well adn finds the neatest stuff when she has a mission. Thanks in advance Mom.
Still anxious and fidgity want to go to the LYS, but will wait until Thursday and I have my Swap info... 2 days is a long time isn't it.... Help me....
edit PS. Mom looked at my blog and said I have more pics of yarn than my kids, maybe this is a problem... and the yarn porn thing fell short on the explanation.....