Saturday, July 7, 2007

Well almost set for my three swaps, doesn't that sound like a tv show. Stash is half packed, dont have a lot really so finding all sorts of other things in the house that need a new home that I wont be needing or using, nothing to weird honost....

Sock It to Me, still waiting for Swappe's questionaire to be posted, but have the yarn picked out Cherry Hill in Birch, Have the pattern sort of picked out, leave room for last minute mind changes, yarn is firm though.

Dishcloth is mostly packed as well, just have to finish knitting and pick up a couple of little things. Pics of the yarn for the 2 swaps. My first use of a ball winder, boy that was fun. Followed the advice from KR and wound them twice, definately fluffier the second go around.

Girlie Pearls investigating the shipments

And on the home front sided part of the house as of tonight up to 2/3 done and all but 1 window replaced. Please ignore the mess...

and for those that read to the bottom, yarn p0rn. Shipment from Etsy ashabee in colors carmel apple(4) and Cami(2). They are gorgeous and butter soft, now have to figure out what to make.

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